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Mango Wellness
Curated Holistic Health Program
Reawaken $375 (billed once)
4 part 3 month custom wellness road-map
3 doctors visits (in person or online)
Unlimited messaging for 3 months**
**during office hours only
Program details
1. 90 days low inflammation diet
2. Introduction fasting mimicking cycle
3. Custom mobility exercises based on functional movement assessment
4. Mindfulness stress practice based on body scans and nonjudgmental thought
5. Supplement recommendation based on patients needs.
Patients may see
Reduction in pain and inflammation
Improvement in sleep
Decrease in stress
Increased flexabilty
Improvement in general well being and happiness
Blood marker changes* after 5 months
cholesterol (total and low density lipoprotiens), fasting glucose, IGF-1, triglycerides,C-reactive protein
This tailored program is based on individual needs and unique bodies. Through diet, movement, body awareness, and nonjudgmental thought, we support a journey to help melt away years of stress, inflammation, and negative emotion.
*blood marker changes may be seen after successful completion of 2 more FMD. Completed by client at end of program
*Science translational medicine 9(377):eaa18700 FEB2017
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